The Weather Channel Powerpoint Deck
Bing Powerpoint Deck
Okta Forum branding
Wealth Inequality Infographic
Adobe telco pitch deck
Veta Health Powerpoint
Facebook Innovation Spotlight Powerpoint Deck
Okta multichannel ad campaign
Social ad campaign
Okta event branding and design
Nike EPIC WHQ Event
Internal program branding
Daily Poster: Own the Process
Daily Poster: Dry Kitty
Daily Poster: Universe
Daily Poster: Sugar
Daily Poster: Superstitious
Brick & Beam Cafeteria logo
Halloween Augmented Reality Personal Project
Willamette Valley AVA map
Wall design for Microsoft's Lincoln Square building
Microsoft Wall Graphics
Pubmatic video design
Design Cartel Logo
Troy Stange
The Weather Channel Powerpoint Deck
Bing Powerpoint Deck
Okta Forum branding
Wealth Inequality Infographic
Adobe telco pitch deck
Veta Health Powerpoint
Facebook Innovation Spotlight Powerpoint Deck
Okta multichannel ad campaign
Social ad campaign
Okta event branding and design
Nike EPIC WHQ Event
Internal program branding
Daily Poster: Own the Process
Daily Poster: Dry Kitty
Daily Poster: Universe
Daily Poster: Sugar
Daily Poster: Superstitious
Brick & Beam Cafeteria logo
Halloween Augmented Reality Personal Project
Willamette Valley AVA map
Wall design for Microsoft's Lincoln Square building
Microsoft Wall Graphics
Pubmatic video design
Design Cartel Logo
Social ad campaign
This is a social media
campaign for Okta
Okta's annua
l gala event
geared towards customers, prospects and the media. I wrote and designed this campaign as well as designed and produced much of the event's content, swag and branding.
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